Counter Opening Times
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 9am-5pm
Wednesday: 9am-1pm
Friday: 9am-4.30pm
Bank Holidays: CLOSED
Closure for Audit: FMC Kit Room closed to all students and staff from Monday 20th January to Wednesday 29th January inclusive, for testing and safety audit. Exempted programmes due to January teaching are BA CAVE, BA MMJ, BA MMSJ and MA MMJ.
*ALL equipment has to be booked at least 1.5 working days before collection.
* ALL production kits, lighting and jibs can only be collected/returned on the hour and half hour (e.g. 9am, 9.30am, 10am) as you will need more time to check this equipment upon collection.
Please ONLY come to the counter if you have a booking and at the exact time of your booking.
For all other queries please phone or email us.
SISO room booking demo (YouTube)